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We will be using Slack to host synchronous and asynchronous questions, conversations, and what-have-you during our conference. Join now to pre-game. 


  • Talks will be 8 minutes with a few minutes for questions

  • Both in-person and virtual talks will be delivered "live"

          Questions?  Please post questions to Slack!


Information for Presenters: Text


In-person posters

  • Upload a PDF of your poster by June 20 (link below)

  • Prepare a 1 minute "promo" talk, to be delivered live during the conference

  • Bring a real poster with you!


Virtual posters

  • Upload a PDF of your poster by June 20 (link below)

  • Upload a pre-recorded 1 minute "promo" talk by June 20 (link below)

  • Join our Slack workspace to field questions about your work 


About the 1 minute poster talks

  • The purpose of these talks is to advertise your work, not necessarily summarize it. They will be delivered during the conference to encourage attendees to follow up with your poster. They won't otherwise be available for viewing.

  • Pre-recorded talks by virtual presenters may be in any format so long as they are 60 seconds (PowerPoint, animation, interpretive dance, etc.). Live talks delivered by in-person attendees may also be in any format so long as they are 60 seconds, but they are additionally restricted to a maximum of TWO info/data slides (plus a title slide).

  • Tell us the WHAT of your project, WHY it is compelling, and leave us wanting to know more!

Information for Presenters: Text



  • Posters should be saved as PNG files.

  • Pre-recorded promos by virtual presenters may be in any format so long as they are 60 seconds or less.

  • The following format should be used for file names: last name_first name_poster or promo

  Questions?  Please post questions to Slack!

Information for Presenters: Text
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